Senior Controller / Controlling Manager | ID: 183
Join a growing organization in the retail sector that combines startup agility with the resources of an established company. This role offers a unique opportunity to shape financial processes and contribute to strategic decision-making in Slovakia. As a Senior Controller you'll play a pivotal role in maintaining...
Quality Assurance Engineer | ID: 182
Join an exciting and forward-thinking company that works with a wide range of cloud services, including computing, storage, networking, security, and applications. As a Quality Assurance Engineer, you will help ensure these services work smoothly and meet high standards. Work in a supportive team, follow Agile...
Business Architect | ID: 179
Join a leading team in business transformation and enterprise architecture. We are looking for an experienced Business Architect to take a key role in shaping business models and value streams within a complex, multinational environment. This is a unique opportunity to engage in high-level strategy, process...
Cloud Administrator | ID: 177
Join a dynamic and innovative organization that thrives on providing IT services and infrastructure solutions. We are seeking a Cloud Administrator to work with cloud platforms, collaborate in an international setting, and have the opportunity to shape processes in line with industry standards.
E-commerce Product Strategist | ID : 174
Prineste svojho start-upového ducha do etablovanej spoločnosti, ktorá určuje trendy v e-commerce odvetví. Hľadáme skúseného a vizionársky orientovaného odborníka na pozíciu Strategický Manažér E-commerce Platforiem, ktorého cieľom bude navrhnúť revolučné zmeny na existujúcej platforme, zlepšiť...
Solution Architect | ID:178
As a Solution Architect, you will take senior technical responsibility for the design and implementation of our client' Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) solutions. This role focuses on improving tool capabilities, ensuring scalability, and integrating innovative solutions for mapping end-to-end operational...
Linux System Admin (Big Data Operations) | ID:175
Become part of a collaborative and expert team managing advanced applications for customers in industries such as insurance and automotive. These applications process vast amounts of data on physical Linux servers and cloud environments. As a Linux Systems Administrator, you will ensure the seamless operation of these...
Data Engineer with Geospatial Expertise | ID: 173
Join a leading international team specializing in cutting-edge technology solutions. As a Data Engineer with Geospatial Expertise, you’ll play a pivotal role in analyzing terrain, developing data pipelines, and optimizing processes to support network infrastructure planning. This position offers the chance to grow...
Generálny riaditeľ / riaditeľka | ID: 170
Hľadáme kompetenetnú a ambicioóznu osobu na pozíciu lídra, ktorá dokáže viesť úspešný podnik v dynamicky rastúcom B2B segmente a prinášať strategické inovácie. Staňte sa súčasťou spoločnosti, ktorá sa zameriava na zlepšovanie zákazníckeho servisu, efektívnu prevádzku a budovanie...
Koordinátor bezpečnosti v rastúcej spoločnosti | ID:169
Staňte sa kľúčovou súčasťou rastúcej medzinárodnej spoločnosti v oblasti retailu. Na tejto pozícii bude cieľom navrhnúť a zabezpečiť bezpečnosť objektov a plynulý chod prevádzky. Hľadáme skúseného Koordinátora bezpečnosti na dlhodobú spoluprácu, ktorý bude dohliadať na výber a efektívnu...